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Pokerus in pokemon heart gold/ soul silver? - Yahoo! Answers.
Pokerus good or bad? - Pokemon Black Version Answers for DS.
Pokerus?? - Pokemon Soul Silver Questions for Nintendo DS.
pokerus cured in box? - Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Pokémon.
What is the action replay code for the pokerus virus in pokemon heart gold? I was wondering if anyone knows the code for heart gold or soul silver.. get in a wild battle and hold A after during the black screen after you.
Explain Pokerus? - Pokemon Platinum Version Answers for DS.
get pokerus soul silver
re: Whoa, Pokerus. - Page 3 - Pokémon SoulSilver Version.
Oct 5, 2011. i would like to request a pokemon with pokerus for Soulsilver. i have at the moment to offer any of the following ev training items -power anklet.
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It is a lie because pokemon get cured of the pokerus over time. that and after 2-5 battles it should affect the entire team. to know your pokemon has the pokerus.
LF any pokemon with pokerus for SoulSilver | Pokemon Trading Forum.