dictionary definition purloined

Stealers - definition of Stealers by the Free Online Dictionary.
stealing heart - The Free Dictionary.
Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "purloining and publication" of another author's. The idea remains problematic with unclear definitions and unclear rules. ... From the 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary:.
Pilfer definition, to steal, especially in small quantities.. thieve, purloin, filch, appropriate.. Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition.
Definition of stolen heart in the Online Dictionary. Meaning. To purloin is to make off with something, often in a breach of trust: purloined the key to his cousin's.
Definition of steal blind in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of. To purloin is to make off with something, often in a breach of trust: purloined the key to his cousin's.
Definition of snarf in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of snarf. Pronunciation of snarf. Translations of snarf. snarf synonyms, snarf antonyms. Information about.
Definition of stole heart in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of. To purloin is to make off with something, often in a breach of trust: purloined the key to his cousin's.
dictionary definition purloined
Pilfer | Define Pilfer at Dictionary.com.
Definition of steal thunder in the Online Dictionary. Meaning. To purloin is to make off with something, often in a breach of trust: purloined the key to his cousin's.
Urban Dictionary: purloined.
snarf - definition of snarf by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus.
dictionary definition purloined
stealing thunder - The Free Dictionary.
Definition of stolen thunder in the Online Dictionary.. To purloin is to make off with something, often in a breach of trust: purloined the key to his cousin's.
stolen heart - definition of stolen heart by the Free Online Dictionary.
Definition of steal heart in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of. To purloin is to make off with something, often in a breach of trust: purloined the key to his cousin's.
steal heart - definition of steal heart by the Free Online Dictionary.